All Editorial articles – Page 148

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    What should be worrying us about The Diary of a Teenage Girl


    Receiving its theatrical release earlier this month, there has been some furore surrounding The Diary of a Teenage Girl. If it wasn’t so worrying, it would almost be laughable that the controversy has centered on the film’s classification (the British Board of Film Classification has given it an 18 certificate), rather than its subject matter. Because, to be blunt, this film details the sexual abuse of a 15 year-old child.

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    What the EU referendum tells us about young people


    In the aftermath of Brexit's victory, Jamie Cutteridge analyses what the referendum tells us about young people.

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    Can we please talk about the gospel?


    The Youthwork blog continues with Dave Boden, strategic lead for Christian Ethos, who questions our simplified version of the gospel.

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    Should youth work have set outcomes or is it all about the process?


    Off the back of Jo Dolby’s Balancing Act feature in this month’s magazine, we have a series of blogs on tension and paradox within youth ministry. This week, Rob Tumilty, Deputy Director of Oxford CYM and Senior Youth Worker with Oxford Youth Works, looks at Product and Process.

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    Does God care about the small stuff?


    On my small balcony lives a potted palm tree. I inherited this palm tree when I inherited the stewardship of the flat my parents own, as its current tenant. While my dad was regularly staying in the flat the palm tree was not a problem; he would water and tend to it on arrival, routinely like clockwork.

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    How do you tell young people about Jesus when your own faith is going through the wringer?


    We need to talk about some things. There are a few issues in youth ministry that for reasons of awkwardness, pride or taboo, simply never get discussed. When they do, we limit ourselves to pat answers and hypothetical, third-person examples. And because of all this awkward silence, none of these things get solved. So it’s time for some radical honesty, time to talk about the things we don’t talk about. Welcome to The Elephant Room.

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    Ed Miliband: 'I am worried about young people'


    It’s election year. After a term which saw youth engagement with Westminster (though not ‘politics’ as a whole) drop, and youth unemployment rise, it might be the most important election for young people in a generation. Premier’s Marcus Jones chatted exclusively to leader of the Labour Party, Ed Miliband, to discuss the Church, young people and political engagement.

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    About Time


    Tim Lake is your typical, well spoken, middle class man. A little awkward, desperate for love and slowly meandering his way in the world aged 21, things get a whole lot more interesting when Tim discovers that he can time travel to earlier parts of his life and change the past. What starts as an opportunity to get a girlfriend soon becomes an opportunity to live the life he’s always wanted and connect with the world and those around him. Prepare to laugh and cry. 

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    Talking about emotions


    Dream: to think strategically and with vision about our work in schools.

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    Ready-to-use Reflection: God who Abides


    Prayer, reflection and meditation

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    Ready-to-use Music: Fast and Furious 7


    (2015 Atlantic records): various artists

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    Resource on Trial: Roots Issue 67


    Nine sessions for children and young people

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    5 rules for naming your youth group


    We all know that the most important aspect of youth work is getting the name right – but it’s also the trickiest part. Fortunately, our own Jamie Cutteridge is something of an expert in this field, and after years of research has produced a five part plan to create the perfect youth group name (and logo).

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    Ready-to-use Music: 5 Seconds of Summer


    2014, Capitol Records

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    Adoption, new Christians and involving under 5s


    Our experts answer your questions on Children’s and Families Ministry

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    Under 5s, Quiet Time, Volunteers


    Our experts answer your questions on Children’s and families ministry.

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    How should I start under-5s group in church?


    Our experts answer your questions on children’s and families ministry

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    Adaptable Meeting Guide: Ephesians 5-6


    Meeting aim: To think through what living a life imitating God looks like, as loved children.

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    5 biblical facts that science later proved to be true


    For the last few centuries, Science and the Bible have often been at odds. On the face of it they are two different sides, both fighting to prove their supremacy. But whilst science is always changing and disproving various theories, the Bible and its facts have remained the same. Below we look at five biblical facts that science later agreed with.

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    5 practical tips for helping young people on their journey


    Hannah Watson continues our series on discipleship by offering some practical tips for young people's journeys of faith.