All Editorial articles – Page 143
Adaptable Meeting Guide: God at Home
We know that God is with us in every circumstance and situation, so how do we apply that to our own home life or family? What about when we are the only one in our family who chooses to follow God? In each household, how do we choose to ‘serve the Lord’?
Adaptable Meeting Guide: God at Rest
To help the young people think about different kinds of rest, and what is best for them. To explore the idea of true rest in God, which comes from receiving his love and acceptance.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Jesus meets...Mary Magdelene
To discover more ways that Jesus went against the social norm to give extraordinary roles to the most unexpected people. He gave great honour to women – how are we doing at raising a generation which honours everyone?
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Jesus meets...the Woman at the Well
Jesus’ ministry is an inclusive one because God is bigger than the social standing that we hold or the places of worship we attend. What does this mean for us?
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Job and God
To get to the heart of Job’s story: his relationship with God.
Adaptable meeting guide: Job and his friends
To learn about Job’s friends and consider whether or they were a help or a hindrance.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Jesus meets...the Woman Caught in Adultery
To learn from how Jesus handled being challenged by the Pharisees when presented with a woman caught in adultery – how can we respond more like him?
Adaptable Meeting Guide: The Bible's Big Story: From Egypt to Babylon
To continue to help people understand the Bible better by grasping the overarching narrative of scripture. It will take four sessions to complete the story; in this second one we’ll refresh memories of part one and continue the story up to the exile to Babylon.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: The Bible's Big Story: From Eden to Egypt
To help people understand that the Bible is built around a story and that knowing how this story fits together is a key to the Christian message. We’ll take four sessions to complete the story, but in this first one we’ll provide an outline and fill in the first part (up to the Exodus).
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Isaiah - A Leader who Worshipped
To show that worship is so much more than singing songs, and to focus on the way that we respond to the greatness of God.
Adaptable Meeting Guide - Elijah: A Leader in the Wilderness
To see that God is with us, even in the darkest and most difficult of circumstances - and that in these moments he will shape us.
Adaptable Meeting Guide : Elisha: A Leader with Spiritual Perspective
To explore how we can have a spiritual perspective in the midst of normal life.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Ezekiel: A Leader who was set apart
To learn to lead with your lifestyle.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Daniel - A Leader who stood out
To enable discussion about being different to ‘the world’ and ask what things make you stand out as a Christian.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Daniel - A Leader who prayed
To show that prayer doesn’t just happen, it happens when we choose to do it.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Saul - a Leader who was Jealous
To realise that jealousy always leads to destruction. God has placed a unique calling on each of our lives, so we must learn to love who God
made us to be uniquely and not compare ourselves to others. -
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Jonathan - A Leader who Followed
To show the importance of friendship and support.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: David - A Leader who created
To learn about the beautiful and creative relationship David had with God, and to explore our own creative gifts.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Naomi - A Leader who grieved
To explore suffering, hope and the place of grief in our lives.