All Editorial articles – Page 140
Six roles you could apply for after your time in youth work
Your CV or job title might read youth worker, but as we all know, being a youth worker incorporates the skills and talents of many other professions. We've put together a list of alternative career paths, just in case one day you decide to something different
Life After School
The world of the school leaver has never been more daunting – whichever route they choose to take. HTB’s director of Student Alpha Jamie Haith and Frontier Youth Trust’s Alastair Jones both offer five ways to support young people as they leave, either for university life, employment or – more pertinently right now – straight into unemployment.
Mission work isn’t just in Africa
When the words ‘mission’ or ‘missionary’ are mentioned, our minds can immediately fill up with images of young people and adults travelling to Africa and taking endless pictures of themselves with orphans, showing off their sunburnt shoulders and strap marks. But is this really what mission is about? Youthwork’s work experience student Sanna Hubbard explains what mission can look like for young people, here in the UK.
Children’s laureate backs study indicating that malnutrition affects literacy
Julia Donaldson, author of children’s bestseller The Gruffalo has spoken out on a Save the Children report showing that malnutrition causes children to struggle in learning to read and write.
Is over-sexualisation affecting young people?
Do young people know more about the kind of sex we don’t want them to have than they know about the kind of sex we do want them to have?
A family affair
I got an urgent call from a teenage girl who had locked herself in the toilets at KFC. Life had got too much and an increasingly toxic relationship she was caught up in had taken a desperate turn for the worse. We hadn’t talked in over a year, but that day she called me to come and find her.
Ready-to-use Rhythms: Advocacy
When unfair things happen to us we are quick to shout about it. This might be the toddler who is convinced their sibling has a bigger ice cream or the student who worked harder than their friend and received the same grade. What about the injustice that 200 million children are malnourished, even though there is enough food in the world for everyone? How quick are we to shout out about that? The Bible tells us to ‘speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves’ (Proverbs 31). With the rise of social media, we have great potential to raise our voices online and offline.
From the Horse’s Mouth: Why Advocacy Matters
I love youth work: I love doing it, talking about it, thinking about it, discussing it and coming to new conclusions or innovative new ideas. I’ve been doing it for over a decade and I’m pretty sure it’s one of the best vocations around. However sometimes I wonder if we’ve built ‘youth work’ up into such a living breathing phenomena of its own that we forget that it is simply ‘working with young people’. Not ‘at’, not ‘to’, but ‘with’ and ‘for’ young people.
Musical safe sex advice too cheeky for some
After the startling statistical graphic from @sparticus last week that showed the sheer number of UK abortions when compared to other deaths, this doesn’t really help.
Case Study: Adventure Plus
Launched in 1990. To provide the best adventure youth work for children and young people
Faith at home
A story for home: Naaman’s Incredible Adventure
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. Enjoy doing the actions and sound effects together.
How to Celebrate Christmas: The Youthwork Advent Calendar
24 Youthwork-related ideas to spice up your festive season.
Young People Receive Mental Health Treatment In Adult Wards
Rising numbers of young people are receiving mental health treatment in adult psychiatric wards.
The 'adult group'
For the first time ever, Youthwork opened up its doors for a one-day writers masterclass. Sixteen youth workers gathered from all corners of the country to share ideas, learn skills and to hone their craft. In the coming weeks we will be posting guest blogs from the attendees – here’s one from Annie Carter.
Ready-to-use Discussion - Adrift
Commander Chris Hadfield became an internet sensation during his five months aboard the International Space Station. Away from the rest
of humanity and trapped in the vast expanse of space, Hadfield took to the internet, and more specifically social media, to share his experiences with the rest of mankind. -
Adrian Blenkinsop
There is a widespread, worrying feeling that young people don’t actually read the Bible. Or worse still, they don’t see how it connects in any way to their lives. But is there any truth to this? Adrian Blenkinsop sought to understand the reality of biblical literacy and engagement among Australian young people, through a two-year intensive survey. He chatted to Phoebe Thompson about the findings of the report, and how relevant they are in the UK
Fostering and adoption
Adoption and foster care has been in the headlines quite a lot recently, with a range of stories of vulnerable children and young people, often in less than desirable situations with many councils struggling to meet their needs.
Adoption figures reach all-time high
Latest figures from the Department for Education show that there has been a rise in adoptions over the past year. This is very encouraging and needs to be celebrated.