All Editorial articles – Page 128

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    A good man in Bethlehem


    Recharge is a Bible study just for you, to nurture your own relationship with God. So stop, sit, breathe and read

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    Q & A: Beth Croft


    Beth Croft’s first solo album, Rule in my heart, has just hit the shelves. It’s so new that we didn’t have time to give it a listen. Instead, we caught up with Beth while she was in the recording studio.

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    The Best Youth Workers you didn't know were Youth Workers ...


    ... but actually are Youth Workers

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    Q & A: Jerome Berryman


    There are few people who have influenced children’s ministry as much as Jerome Berryman. The founder of Godly Play – a reflective storytelling method encouraging children to explore the mystery of God – has brought about a shift in the way that we do and think about children’s work: from an educational model of old to a model of experience and encounter 

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    The Youth Work Lab: Belonging


    Traditionally, a model used to plot peoples’ journey into church has been simplified into behave, believe and belong. Simply put, this means that people are asked to follow Christian behaviours such as no sex before marriage, living humbly and giving generously, but also to behave in a way that might make them more acceptable within our own church community. Then, after behaving like a Christian, it’s thought that they might understand that this behaviour is a good and right way to live and so come to believe in the ways of Christ. Once this is done, they are then accepted into the church community and find a place of belonging, often through some kind of ceremony like baptism.

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    Our regular resource for incorporating spiritual practices in your work with children, from Ian Adams and Carolyn Edwards

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    Q&A with Rob Bell


    Possibly the only thing more likely to divide a group of Christians than the topic of hell is their opinion of Rob Bell on the topic of hell. Youthwork editor Martin Saunders caught up with the controversial author to talk about his new book – What we talk about when we talk about God – and whether or not he regrets the previous one.

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    Daydream Believer


    I daydream - a lot, says Laura Haddow...

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    Well Being


    Our new coalition Government speaks of big challenges, big cuts and a vision of a Big Society – but how will this affect the well-being of young people? Nigel Pimlott and Sally Nash reflect on the important role that spirituality can play in the new Government agenda for teenagers.

  • Issues

    Jahmene Douglas on being a Christian


    The X Factor’s Jahmene Douglas popped into Youthwork HQ and recorded some videos talking about his faith – ideal for sharing with your young people.

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    Being Together


    There seems to be constant debate about the state of children’s worship, but as Lynn Alexander asks, what if we need to stop doing, and start being?

  • Blog

    Ready-to-use Reflection: New Beginnings


    After the chaos that accompanies many Christmas celebrations, New Year is a great time to regather your group and reflect on the year that
    has finished and the plans God has for their futures.

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    Discipleship: Putting the how before the what


    Following on from Martin Saunders' call for a revolution in youth ministry, Ali Campbell looks at what this might look like in our discipleship. 

  • Issues

    YCW Investigates: Frozen before death: a right to life or just ‘let it go’?


    Never mind working out which song you prefer between ‘Love is an open door’ and ‘Do you want to build a snowman’, we’ve been presented with a more serious Frozen dilemma. Towards the end of 2016, a 14-year-old won the right to become the first British girl to be frozen at the point of death.

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    Ready-to-use Music: Never Been Better


    (2014, Sony Music) Artist: Olly Murs

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    Neil O'Boyle becomes YFC national director


    Youth for Christ has announced that Neil O’Boyle will join as national director of British YFC this summer.

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    Encouraging more young people to become social entrepreneurs


    Recent research by the Charities Aid Foundation reveals that whilst only two per cent of charities currently have young people on their boards, in fact, 85 per cent of young people under the age of 35 would be prepared to consider such a role. For Sian Edwards, director of The Christian Initiative Trust (CIT), this is a very real issue that needs addressing. Here she discusses what can be done to convert the 85 per cent of young people who have shown interest in getting more involved, into those actually taking up the challenge.  

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    We Must Become Less


    It’s easy to feel humble in youth ministry: overlooked, unappreciated and bottom of the pile. Contemplative youth ministry expert Mark Yaconelli examines how to cultivate true humility through our young people, and to allow ourselves to be loved by them.

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    Ivy Beckwith: Here Come the Boys


    Children’s ministry expert Ivy Beckwith on not underestimating boys.

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    Ready-to-use Food: Bebe Story
