All Editorial articles – Page 108

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    Craft: Esther


    This month's crafts.

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    Police crack down on sexting


    Nottinghamshire Police officially cau­tioned two teens for sharing an explicit photo last month. The force then wrote a letter to all the schools in the county, warn­ing that other under-18s could face arrest, or even be added to the sex offences regis­ter, if found sending indecent images.

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    On Course for Youth Ministry


    Centre for Youth Ministry graduate Becca Dean writes about her experiences of formal youth ministry training , offering practical advice on finding the right course and getting the most from the experience. Complete with expectations, surprises and thought-provoking bubble bath…

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    Ready-to-use schools work: The developing spirituality course


    Youthscape is an ecumenical Christian project founded over two decades ago by a group of 45 churches. One of our key objectives is to develop innovative and proven ways to explore spiritual development from both a Christian and inter-faith basis, in educational settings. Our
    work is directly with young people in the 13 secondary schools in Luton, but our resources and methods are shared across the UK through a network of 8,000 practitioners.

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    What Jeremy Corbyn might mean for young people


    There’s been a lot of bad news for young people recently: the Budget earlier this summer seemed to unnecessarily punish young people, cutting university grants and housing benefits while leaving them out of their so-called ‘living wage.’ The youth service in this country has been dismantled by successive (Labour and Conservative) governments, mental health services for young people are a complete shambles, the recent demise of the Kid’s Company (read here) is another blow to young people on the margins and the Lib Dems went back on their promise to oppose tuition fees.

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    A day in the life of : Katharine O'Brien, youth co-ordinator


    This week's 'day in the life' comes from Katharine O'Brien, a catechetical and youth co-ordinator at a Catholic Church in Wanstead. She shares some of the experiences she's had in her varied role.

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    Conversion - a New Paradigm


    In the coming issues of Premier Childrenswork, we will be exploring a new paradigm in children’s ministry: what needs to change and what the future of children’s work might look like. In the first of the series, Howard Worsley explores a new approach to conversion among children.

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    Conversation or monitoring? What is ‘right’ for parents?


    The Royal College of Psychiatrists has produced new guidelines for mental health professionals with regard to self-harming among children, with the most significant changes related to digital technology.

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    Voluntary Contributions: Equipping and investing in your team


    We all know that children’s ministry is kept afloat by diligent, passionate volunteers; so how do we go about getting the best out of them, keeping them envisioned, helping them to enjoy themselves and enhance their skills? Catalyst Training’s Sharon Prior shares some essential tips

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    Ready-to-use Music: A Perfect Contradiction


    Artist: Paloma Faith (2014, Sony Music)

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    Ready-to-use Rhythms: Contentment


    We live in a world that teaches a lifestyle of striving. Whether it’s the latest fashion trend, those trainers that were ‘so tempting’ or the newest piece of technology - we want more. However, this is not the way that Jesus tells us to live, and this lifestyle is damaging our environment, and negatively affecting communities living in poverty. Try to build a life of contentment through the following Rhythms.

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    Ready-to-use Rhythms - Contentment


    Contentment can be a difficult concept and pursuit in a world that idolises stuff, and has an insatiable appetite. But being content isn’t to do
    with having; it’s about knowing that we’re enough without all the extras, and being satisfied with what we have. It’s about taking control away from the things that make us forget that we are enough as we are; we don’t need to allow our possessions to define us. A rhythm of contentment reminds us that we’re not ruled by what we own, and means we can give our best to God, living simply, following him wholeheartedly without distraction.

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    First contact


    One academic year has gone and another is fast approaching. If you don’t already have contact with your local primary school, then the turn of another year might be a good time to make contact. Schools can be intimidating places, particularly if you yourself weren’t a fan when you were younger; so just how do you go about it? We decided to go right to the top and ask a head teacher the best ways of introducing yourself and offering to help.

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    The goal posts are constantly moving


    I started in youth ministry about 30 years ago when I was a young person in Australia. Then I went to the monastery and have been in the UK pastorally for the past 20 years. I was sent, by Pope Shenouda III, the late head of the Coptic Church, to look after young people here. The observation he made was quite precise, despite the fact he was an 80-year-old man living in Egypt. He said, ‘The problem in the world is not that people are doing the wrong thing, but that they have lost perspective on what the wrong thing is.’ 

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    Dream: think strategically and with vision about our work in schools.

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    Ready-to-use Schools work: Confidence


    This is an activity designed for Year 8 students (aged 12/13) and older, aiming to explain what real confidence is like and to encourage students
    to explore what gives them confidence. It can be used in lessons or in a group working on the subject of self-esteem.

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    How To Make The Most Of Conferences


    Here at Youthwork HQ, we’re seasoned pros at coping with the multitude of conferences and events that we find ourselves attending. So, in the fashion of this page, here are a few tips:  

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    Porn Scars conference


    This month sees the Porn Scars conference come to London.

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    Youthwork the Conference


    Over 700 youth workers descended on Eastbourne in November for the annual Youthwork Conference. The three-day event was made up of ‘big room’ sessions and smaller seminars across the Congress Theatre.

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    Why does God condone mass murder in the Old Testament?


    Dear Prof, in the Old Testament there are lots of accounts of God condoning mass murders and wiping out whole tribes of people. Doesn’t this contradict the Ten Commandments and why does God suddenly change his mind about that in the New Testament?