All Editorial articles – Page 101
The Youth Work Lab: Group Dynamics
Welcome to the Youth Work Lab: the place where key youth work theories are tried and tested by on-the-ground practitioners. Each month, the team from StreetSpace will select and explore a piece of youth work theory, and put it to the test in creative and pioneering ways.
Ready-To-Use Movie: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Clip: The clip starts at 1:23:20 and lasts until 1:30:33.
King's Faith (DVD) - Faith Street Partners & Provident Films
King’s Faith takes you on a journey from a prison to a foster home. Brendan King turns his life around with help from a Christian couple who foster him and encourage him to join the local high school’s CU. However, his ex-gang ‘family’ are not as willing to forget his past.
Walls to dust: A response
In the latest issue, Richard and Lori Passmore called many of our church and youth ministry walls to dust, in their lessons from the fringes of youth work. Mark Walley disagrees. Here’s why:
Walls To Dust: Learning from the edge
Pioneer youth workers Richard Passmore and Lori Passmore reflect on lessons learnt from working on the margins with young people, and more recently through the Streetspace community of practice
Girl Guides drops God from promise
Girl Guides has taken the radical step of revising its promise of allegiance – dropping a historic vow to love and serve God. Following a consultation with members, the 102 year-old organisation has maintained the pledge ‘to serve my queen and community’, and now includes a promise to ‘be true to myself and develop my beliefs’. The move is expected to broaden membership of the largest voluntary organisation for girls and young women in the UK, which currently has 546,000 members.
The Dream Team
We’ve all been there… met by a sea of blank faces after our desperate and visionary pleas for more help with the youth group. How do we go about recruiting new volunteers, and what are we even looking for? Youth Ministry Management’s Joel Preston gives some tips for building your dream team
Oh the drama...
You may be the drama ‘type’, or recoil at the thought of any kind of dramatic activity. Whatever your theatrical persuasion, Premier Childrenswork’s resident thespian Alex Taylor believes that drama can be a powerful way of unlocking stories with children.
Q & A: Rev Dr Howard Worsley
Sam Donoghue meets Rev Dr Howard Worsley – an authority on using Bible stories with children.
A world without Down’s syndrome?
What sort of world do we want to live in and who do we want to live in it? How do we choose that world and who gets to choose? On Wednesday the 5th October at 9pm, BBC Two aired A World Without Down’s Syndrome? a documentary fronted by actress Sally Phillips, which explored these questions and the ethics of pregnancy screening.
Five From Down Under
President of the London School of Theology Krish Kandiah recently traveled to Australia. Here's what he learnt:
Laying down the law
One of the most demoralising situations for any children’s ministry volunteer is working with an out of control group of children. The volunteer can leave the undisciplined group feeling like nothing of importance was accomplished because the whole time was spent pleading with the children to be good. Perhaps the volunteer can feel like they are in the wrong position; ‘I’m not suited to this,’ they might think, and hand in their resignation.
Jahmene Douglas
He’s the small Swindon-based 21 year-old who used to work in ASDA. He’s also the soulful X Factor runner-up who has impressed the nation with his incredible vocals and integrity. John Pantry and Nage, the Breakfast team on Premier Christian Radio (which Youthwork is a part of), caught up with the X Factor finalist to talk through the highs and lows of the competition, his difficult past, and how he prayed with Nicole Scherzinger and James Arthur before going on stage.
If in doubt, talk
Last night I thought I had killed my youth group. In September I took over the girls’ group at church and made that fatal error of changing the night of the weekly meeting. True to form, everyone came on the wrong night, and (yes, it gets worse) I had failed to show up on said night to remind them about the change of weekday. So no one came.
Don't Just Hold the Fort
Drawing on his many years of experience in children’s ministry, editor Sam Donoghue throws down the gauntlet for higher quality children’s work.
I don’t feel supported. What should I do?
Our experts answer your questions on children’s and families ministry
Don’t Lose the Plot
In the first of a series of two columns, Nick Shepherd helps you get to grips with the Old Testament
Don’t know much soteriology, don’t know much eschatology…
Every pop singer and their dog sings about God nowadays, but how robust is their doctrine? Deputy editor Ruth Jackson takes an in-depth look at some dodgy pop theology…