
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God time during the day. You could also use it as part of a children’s session. To read some of Bob’s other stories, download our FREE ebook at youthandchildrens.work/stories


Teach the children the blind man’s repeated words (“It all looks very clear to me. I once was blind, and now I see!”) and encourage them to say them with you each time they come up in the story.

It all seemed pretty simple.

The man was born blind. He had to beg for money. So Jesus decided to heal him.

And then the questions came. Came from everywhere. And, then nothing seemed simple. Nothing at all.

The first question came from Jesus’ disciples.

“Why is this man blind?” they asked. “Is it God’s punishment because he did something wrong? Or is it punishment for something his parents did?”

Jesus shook his head.

“Neither,” he replied. “But God is going to use this man’s healing to show just how amazing he is. And so that everyone will see, quite literally, that I am the one who brings light into the world.”

Then Jesus spat on the ground, and made some mud, and spread the mud on the blind man’s eyes, and told him to was hit off in the pool of Siloam.

And when the man did, he could see!

Simple, right? Not really.

For as soon as Jesus and his disciples had gone, the man’s neighbours and acquaintances gathered round him. And more questions came tumbling out:

“Isn’t this the blind beggar?”

“It is, but he can see.”

“Could it possibly be someone who looks like him?”

So the man sighed and said: “It all looks very clear to me. I once was blind, and now I see!”

But still the questions followed.

“How? How did it happen?”

So the man told them about Jesus and the mud and the pool. But that wasn’t good enough.

“Where is this Jesus person?” they asked.

“I don’t know!” he said. So they bundled him off to see the Pharisees.

And once the man had described his healing, yet again, there were more questions.

“So he healed you on the Sabbath, did he?”

“Don’t you know that healing is ‘work’ and that working on the Sabbath is a sin?”“

So how can a man who sins be from God?”

“But how can a sinner perform miracles?”

Soon, the Pharisees were arguing among themselves. Was Jesus from God, or wasn’t he?

And in the end, they asked the man who had been healed, who said: “It all looks very clear to me. I once was blind, and now I see! I think that Jesus is a prophet.”

And off the man went.

The discussion should have been over. But it wasn’t that simple.

“What if he was never blind in the first place?” asked one of the Pharisees.

So they sent for the man’s parents. And, yes, there were loads more questions.

“Is that really your son?”

“Was he really born blind?”

“So how can he see?”

The man’s parents were not stupid. They had heard that anyone who thought Jesus was the Messiah would be kicked out of the synagogue. So they gave a very careful answer.

“We do not know how our son was healed,” they replied. “He’s old enough to answer for himself. Ask him!”

So the man was sent for, yet again.

“You can thank God for healing you,” they told him. “But not that Jesus person. He did work on the Sabbath. He’s a sinner.”

“I don’t know if he’s a sinner or not!” The man replied. “But it all looks very clear tome. I once was blind, and now I see!”

And now the questions came thick and fast.

“How did he heal you?” they asked.

“I already told you!” The man replied. “Do you want to hear it again so you can be his disciples, too?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” they said. “We follow Moses. We know he came from God. But we’re not sure about this Jesus person.”

“You’re not sure he comes from God?” asked the man, frustrated and confused. “He does this amazing thing. He makes a blind man see. If God listens to him, how can he possibly be a sinner? And if he wasn’t from God, he wouldn’t be able to do anything.”

“Oh, so now you’re teaching us, are you?” the Pharisees sneered. “Get out!”

So the man left. And later that day, Jesus found him.

And, yes, there was one more question.

“Do you believe in the Messiah?” Jesus asked the man.

“Who is he?” the man replied.

“You’re looking at him.” Jesus grinned, the irony lost on no one.

“I see,” the man smiled back. “And I believe that’s who you are, Lord. I really do.”

And he worshiped him.

Simple as that.