In Spotlight we feature a Christian charity or ministry that either directly serves children or youth in some way, or those aiming to support them, whether in a full-time, part-time or volunteer capacity.
To inspire families’ faith at home.
Founding date
May 2009
We are successful when…
- Families are inspired to do faith at home together in a way which works for their unique family.
For example, Victoria has had the pleasure of sharing about her Friday night Shabbat or Sabbath rituals and many people have adopted part or all of it into their weekly routine, creating a space to connect with God and each other over a meal and some simple symbol actions, such as lighting candles.
Things are tricky when…
Families feel that church leaders are the only ones able to help their family grow in faith.
It’s really hard to help families find their own faith-at-home path when they feel they do not have the skills or ideas to do so. The GodVenture weekly emails focus on encouraging and inspiring parents and carers as well as giving them simple, fun ideas they can try out, highlighting a great resource they could use and offering them something from GodVenture to get them going.
Hopes for the future
To inspire all families to find their own way to grow in their own faith and spiritual life at home, including those for whom traditional church, family devotions and other resources do not work.
How you can contact us
Instagram: @victoria_godventure
Facebook: @theRealGodVenture