
Don’t watch the whole two-hour stream of the new Apple product Launch

Take an actual day off // Or at least an hour here or there

Don’t plan any youth sessions on the way to the session // Or at 11 o’clock at night

Drink less Coffee // Really, drink less coffee, your dependency isn’t healthy

Complete more non-youth work conversations than DBS forms

Don’t get waterlogged at Soul Survivor

Beat that cocky young person at table tennis

Catch up on that stack of old issues of Premier Youthwork

Try not to use Lord of the Rings in a talk this year

Stop turning straight to the jobs pages in Premier Youthwork // Seriously guys, stop doing that

Clear that huge mound of paperwork // Ok, let’s be realistic, clear enough of the paperwork so it stops being a fire risk

Figure out the difference between youth worker and youth minister

Don’t use THAT PICTURE on any of your publicity material