All NexGen Pro articles – Page 69
Craft: Abraham
Use these craft ideas alongside session three of our new curriculum, or any time you’d like to explore the story of Abraham. We have used Abraham here, rather than Abram, to avoid confusion in children’s minds about who it is we’re discussing.
Abraham: Session 3
Meeting aim: To discover that God makes and keeps promises with his people.
Connecting with children and young people during school holidays has always been a great way to engage with local families. Holiday clubs are often a church’s first point of contact with new people and can be an important step on a journey of faith. While there are benefits in taking groups away, there are also huge advantages to hosting activities in your local area. We have gathered suggestions from across the UK to inspire you with ideas for your own ‘staycation’.
Stories for the journey
As Premier Youth and Children’s Work launch our new resource, Together, Mark Griffiths explores stories, their power to shape and create, and why they’ll play a central part in our curriculum
Faith at home
A story for home: Play-along creation
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. Enjoy pulling the different faces and making the sound effects together. You could also use this story during a children’s session, using the actions as they are written here, with everyone sitting down, or making the actions bigger, standing and / or walking around the room as you do them.
Learner Turner: Childish conversations
The mum smiled with tears sparkling in her eyes as she told me the story. We were on the fifth night of our parenting for faith course, and the stories of children’s lives changing were beginning to roll in.
Schools’ work: Summer term and exam time
Dream: think strategically and with vision about our work in schools.
YCW Investigates: Child Hunger
There are two things (among many) that the Bible is very clear about. First, we need to do all we can to meet the needs of children. Second, it’s not OK to let people go hungry. Recent news has shown that here in the UK we’re struggling with both of these things.
From the horse’s mouth: “Home is wherever I’m staying; it changes all the time”
Jill Duncan is youth worker at St Andrew’s Church in Abu Dhabi. She interviewed 14-year-old Kathryn about her multicultural and multi-faith upbringing. Kathryn’s favourite hobbies are reading and doing massive jigsaw puzzles.
The Big Picture – Flame 2017
The Catholic Youth Ministry Federation’s (CYMfed) Flame Congress 2017 saw almost 10,000 young Catholics from across the country gather at Wembley’s SSE Arena in March. The theme for the day was ‘10,000 reasons’, inspiring each young attendee be a part of 10,000 reasons to believe, hope and pray.
Learner Turner: The science of pioneering
I remember the first experiment I ever tried. I was 8 years old at a burger place with my dad, and there was a bank of fizzy drink dispensers on the counter where you could fill up your cup with your choice of beverage. As I headed to the counter the world slowed to a stop as a thought hit my brain. What if I didn’t just get one flavour? What if I got… ALL the flavours? My mind virtually exploded as I considered the possibilities. I calculated quickly. If I only got the drinks that I liked and combined them together, then I would be guaranteed to like the flavour of my new drink. It was logical. It was risky. I was on the edge! With a full body of glee, I filled my cup with no less than four different types of fizzy drink and headed back to my dad, barely able to contain my excitement. That first taste was magic. It was unlike anything else I had ever had before: root beer, Fanta, Dr Pepper and Coke. Exquisite. From then on, I tried everything in pursuit of the best drink in the world. There were a lot of terrible combinations, but 29 years later it is a thing of perfection.
Mentoring: Peace
Buy your mentee a cactus. Seriously. In fact, the cactus will arguably be a better mentor than you! It has the privilege of doing what you can’t do: spending vast amounts of time with your mentee, including many of the most intimate and crucial times of all. Granted you can talk and it can’t, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you are a better mentor than this humble desert plant; it definitely listens better than you do.
Games: Residential games
Whether you are going away for a morning, a weekend or even longer, here are some great games to get everyone involved. The first few games take up more time but the ones at the end are some quick and easy games for use in any situation!