All NexGen Pro articles – Page 67
Faith at home
A story for home: Moses and the not-burning bush
Here is a story for you to tell at home, perhaps at bedtime or as part of a God-time during your day. Enjoy pulling the different faces and making the sound effects together. You could also use this story during a children’s session, using the actions as they are written here, with everyone sitting down, or making the actions bigger, standing and / or walking around the room as you do them.
Faith at home
Forming faith rituals: Faith with the things around you
It’s sometimes easy to feel that to do faith at home we need lots of resources and materials. I’m very into having specific items to do faith at home activities. I love my Godly Play sets for sharing Bible stories and playing with as we explore where we are in the stories. However, I believe that most of us already have everything we need to get started, and as we go we can add the things we need. Once we get going, it’s easier to see what resources will really be most useful to us. So, here are some of my ideas on how we can use what we already have at home to do faith at home.
The Promised Land: Session 4
Meeting aim: To understand the importance of God saving his people in Egypt.
The Promised Land: Session 4
Meeting aim: To explore the trustworthiness of God and his promises.
The Ten Commandments: Session 3
Meeting aim: To consider why God gave rules to his people and how they still help us today.
The Passover: Session 2
Meeting aim: To understand the importance of God saving his people in Egypt.
Passover: Session 2
Meeting aim: To explore the story of the first Passover and its significance to God’s people.
Leadership 101: You cannot lead others until you lead yourself
Let’s be honest, we’ve all worked with people who have been really tough to lead: that disruptive young person; that lazy team member; that difficult parent. But there is one person that’s harder to lead than any of the above - you!
Moses: Session 1
Meeting aim: To begin to understand something of who God is, and that God was with Moses.
Moses: Session 1
Meeting aim: To discover that God chooses us for a mission, just as he chose Moses.
Schools’ Work: Support staff
Dream: think strategically and with vision about our work in schools.
Mark my words: What’s the point of small groups?
Years ago, I was hosting a youth ministry conversation at an event in England, with a panel of leading voices in British youth ministry. I described a handful of different approaches to youth ministry and asked the panel to respond. I remember very clearly Pete Ward, a godfather of British youth ministry, sighing and saying: “There are really only two kinds of youth ministry: inside-out youth ministries and outside-in youth ministries.” He meant simply that there were those more interested in discipleship and those more passionate about evangelism.
Helping young people with exams
The Exam season can be tricky for parents, carers and especially our precious young people. Childline have reported a 20 per cent rise in the number of young people worried about exams, and as more pressure is put on children through SATs, this is no longer just an issue for teenagers. So how can we help support our children and young people at this time?
Who am I supposed to be?
One of the toughest nuts to crack in youth and children’s ministry is finding the correct role to play. Are we children, rolling around on the floor having fun? Are we adults, giving away responsibility? Or are we even parents? David Pickersgill helps us find the balance.