Tish Hahn is navigating the scary transition of her daughter away from full-time education, but takes comfort from a famous chapter
For those parents who have an adult child who has now finished in full-time education the question of what comes next will be rearing its head. If like me, you have a young adult age 19 plus with a disability in your family unit you may well be exploring other opportunities outside of education within a community setting and what that means to you as a SEND parent.
I have two other children starting school this week, one has started year 10 and the other has started year 3, but my mind has been pre-occupied largely for the past year with my eldest child and how life is going to look for her now that she needs to transition from education into an adult community setting. There have been meetings to attend, phone calls and emails to wade through, visits to potential activities all to get to this point of community inclusion.
This new routine for my daughter feels scary and unpredictable, having to move away from Paediatric health care and full-time education setting with all the security provided. It’s scary for me too. will miss the other parents I have known for years: the school nurse on hand to chat to regards medical needs; the class teacher and teaching assistants being on the other end of the phone if needed.
Part of my new routine will be providing ‘mum’s taxi service’, as well as heading in a new direction into adult healthcare services as well as new surroundings with new people and a new environment and a new curriculum with new activities. I feel a hot menopausal mess!
But I am comforted by Ecclesiastes 3 :1-8, which shows us that timing is important. All the experiences listed in verses 1 through to 8 are appropriate at certain times. King Solomon observed that there was a right time for everything and that God had a plan for all people.
The secret to peace in our lives at this moment in time, however busy and chaotic they may be, is to discover, accept and appreciate God’s perfect timing. God has a plan for each one of us, He provides us with opportunities to do great works for Him and He gifts us with skills and abilities to do those great works.
I rejoice that my daughter has a gift for making others smile, her smile is infectious and everyone around her is touched by her smile and her ability to reach out to others through her dazzling smile. She is non-verbal but her smile speaks more than words could ever do. I know that she will settle into her new routine, she will make friends quickly, she will enjoy her new activities, she will be absolutely fine because God has His hand on her.
Though my nerves may get the better of me on occasion, and it may take me more time to settle into a new routine for us both, I will be in the background cheering her on and watching her absorb and enjoy the new experiences she is going to have. I need to remember that God’s timing is perfect for me and it will be for you too