All Editorial articles – Page 93
XX Girls: How to raise up female leaders
Women in Church vastly outnumber men, but not many women ARE empowered to lead. How do we help girls overcome the hurdles on their way to leadership? Jenny Baker, author of Equals, gives some insights.
The Last Word: Our Fellow Workers
Canadian author Dennis Lee once said that you should: ‘Work as if you live in the early days of a better nation.’ That’s always been a pretty good rallying cry for youth ministry, given that part of our job is to fan the hopes and dreams of each emerging generation.
What I learned from feeding goats
For the first time ever, Youthwork opened up its doors for a one-day writers masterclass. Sixteen youth workers gathered from all corners of the country to share ideas, learn skills and to hone their craft. In the coming weeks we will be posting guest blogs from the attendees – here’s one from Nick Francis.
Feedback: Mike Pilavachi
Well, last month’s interview with Soul Survivor’s Mike Pilavachi certainly got people talking. And when we say interview, we’re really talking about one line in it: “Generally, the quality of youth workers has gone down dramatically.” Blimey. There’s been a heap of response to Mike’s comments, and here’s some of it, as well as some further thoughts from the man himself.
Five features of a successful Sunday School
Sunday school comes around week after week, and month after month. But how do you actually know if your Sunday School is going well? What does a ‘successful’ Sunday School look like? Premier Childrenswork’s staff writer Alex Taylor suggests five hallmarks of a thriving children’s group, and which of the Sunday School resources out there best equip you to create it.
I’ve got the fear
I’ve been terminated from ministry positions twice. Well, that’s not. I was terminated once, and I was made redundant once. But the inner dialogue that instantly flowed within me — despite the two occurrences being almost 20 years apart — were eerily similar.
Favourite toys
A new report has suggested that the toys children play with can have an impact on their career choices. We decided to put that to the test by asking the Childrenswork team what their favourite toys were growing up.
Ready-to-use Movie: The Fault in our Stars
The Fault in our Stars is the latest teenage film filled with vampires and set in a post-apocalyptic… wait, hang on. The Fault in our Stars is actually an adaptation from a successful teenage book that explores what it’s like to be young and in love, and does so successfully without any need to dress things up. This is a glossy yet real look at what it looks like to know that you’re dying.
“They grow up so fast”
Youth work has got pretty proficient at talking about sex and mental health, but as Cliff College’s Carolyn Edwards explains, the ever-changing world that children live in means that children’s workers need to start having these, and other awkward conversations as well
Modern Family
There's a new family on the block: gangs. CEO of XLP, Patrick Regan, outlines the state of gang activity in the UK, and explores how the Church can be the hope – and the family – these young people need.
Happy Families
It doesn’t take long in the real world to realise that crude assumptions about nuclear families with 2.4 children no longer ring true; but what is the reality of family life and what impact does that have on our ministries? Gail Adcock recently led a study in this area and shares the results.
False Intimacy
We all know the worrying statistics: teenagers in your youth group are regularly accessing internet pornography – through curiosity, boredom or addiction. Neuroscientist Dr William Struthers explores why this cultural epidemic is so damaging, and provides a practical resource to open up the issue with young people.
Faith at home
Faith at home introduction
Welcome to Faith at home, a brand new resource for those seeking to develop children’s faith... at home. We know that seeking to raise the next generation of Jesus-followers isn’t easy, but hopefully the ideas and stories inside these pages can help us all along the way.
Stretch of Faith
My church has just launched a capital campaign. It’s not sexy, but it’s needed. Several years ago, the church’s landlord (we were leasing space) informed us we could move or buy the place, as they had plans to level it and sell it to a condo developer.
Project: Faith Forward
A revolution is underway in the Church, and it begins with children and young people