All Editorial articles
Help, I have a child with ADHD!
Sam Donoghue and Catherine Truelove give their perspective on two tricky questions asked by youthworkers
Fashion and faith: how do I guide my teenager?
Can I allow them to go out looking like that?
God has given us insight into how our brains develop. Let’s use it in the post-Covid season
Have you noticed more meldowns in the children you know?
All age creation resources
Click here to access this month’s all-age service and other resources too.
All age creation resources
Click here to access this month’s all-age service and other resources too.
Jesus is for life, not just for Christmas
With Christmas just around the corner, you may have already slipped into auto-pilot regarding the events you attend and the things you do. Alex Taylor thinks it’s time to think afresh about what you are doing so that your works benefits for the rest of the year too.
What will you do next summer?
Admit it. You have missed it haven’t you? Trudging through the mud, queuing for a shower, searching vainly for a charging point for your phone, surviving on five hours sleep a night. Yes, I am talking about the summer youth event. Hannah Williamson reflects on summer festivals and invites you to consider whether next summer could be a significant one for your group
Q&A: Paul Nash & Victoria Beech
For the last ten years children and parents have been benefiting from a series of books that have helped them through some of the toughest and most trying times that they have to face. The Held in Hope series is made up of four sensitively written, illustrated stories of young children facing a hospital stay, a serious or life-limiting illness, or dealing with death of a sibling, showing them where God and Jesus are in these frightening experiences.
Starting the new term
Whether you have started a new term so many times you can do it without thinking, or are a newbie who is forging new paths everywhere you turn, there’s no doubt that this new term will feel different. The virus hasn’t gone away, but with many now double vaccinated there is a sense of things opening up properly. Steve Henwood looks at what’s ahead, what you need to consider and how to stay sane as you do so
How far would you go to fill a room?
With a national decline in numbers of young people attending church and youth groups, some youth workers have been experimenting with ways to ‘attract a crowd’. Always great to have good numbers at an event, but Tim Gough asks whether it is possible to go too far?
This much I know: More wisdom from a former youth worker (Part 2)
Claire Farley has been asking former youth and children’s workers to look back on their work. In this second article she asks what they would have changed if they had their time again (Part 1 here).
Looking back: The reflections of a former youth worker (Part 1)
How do youth workers who go into other careers reflect back on their previous life? Claire Farley has been in youth work most of her working life, and was intrigued to find out. She asked eleven former youth and children’s workers the exact same questions; we are publishing the fruit of her research in the next two blog posts.
The man through the roof
Click here to access this month’s all-age service and other resources too.