All Resources articles – Page 21
New Year games
Whether you’re holding a New Year party or trying to get your group to think about fresh starts, you’ll need some games to get things going. Here are some suggestions to help your group think creatively or just to have a good time!
Schools’ work: Your turn - Creating spaces
As we consider how best to create space, listen to and be open to a child’s view of the sacred, the first question is: how will we plan our schools’ work around this? The second is: what do the children I work with have to teach or show me about God? If our approach is always about us teaching, moulding and informing children we will miss out. We will miss the chance to become more childlike in our own spiritual understanding, and in doing so will lose an important opportunity to reconnect with the God we follow. If we consider the words of Jesus we read at the start, we may even miss the opportunity to enter the kingdom of heaven, and why would any of us want that?
Craft: Jesus feeds a crowd
Background: This is one of the best-known and best-loved of Jesus’ miracle stories. Here are some ideas to help you take a creative approach to some of the themes.
Schools’ work: How to - Help children explore their spirituality
How can we put this into practice? Emma Hughes, a children’s worker at St Richard’s Church in Hanworth, shares some of the ideas they used when she and her team set up a prayer space in the local primary school, and describes how children engaged with them.
Schools' work: In theory - To become like children
Young people spend a huge amount of time at school. How can we better support them while they’re there? And what can we do to help schools?
Jesus starts it all
Meeting aim: To ask the question “Who is Jesus?” and to start to answer it.
Schools’ work: In action - Prayer and player
How have some schools’ workers put this focus on children’s spirituality into action? Here are some stories to inspire you.
Jesus feeds a crowd
Meeting aim: To unpack the story and explore the impact it might have on us today as it calls us to greater faith, compassion and action.
Jesus calms the water
Meeting aim: To see the story in its fullness; to try and feel more completely the danger of the storm and the relief and peace felt as Jesus calmed it.
Jesus meets Levi
Meeting aim: To understand which friends and people Jesus wanted on his ‘team’, and in turn to begin to understand what kind of people Jesus wants us to be.
Jesus feeds a crowd
Meeting aim: To explore the way Jesus multiplies the little we have to share.
Jesus feeds a crowd
Meeting aim: To learn that we can ask Jesus for what we need because he cares for us.
Jesus calms the water
Meeting aim: To explore how Jesus brought peace and showed God’s power wherever he went.
Jesus starts it all
Meeting aim: To make sense of why Jesus started to minister the way he did, and to explore the theme of training and beginning a life of ministry