All NexGen Pro articles – Page 98
Will our young people have faith at university?
Another year over, another year group leaving. But how do we prepare our young people for the daunting prospect of university ahead? RZIM speaker and former student worker Michelle Tepper unpacks the importance of apologetics for nurturing a confident faith in the lives of our young people, as they head out into the unknown.
Tough Faith
How do we help children develop faith that won’t crumble when the going gets tough? Kay Morgan-Gurr outlines the key factors for spiritual resilience.
Faith that Sticks
Scripture Union, Urban Saints and Oxford CYM continue their Sticky Faith tour this February, helping churches explore what makes faith stick in
children and young people. -
Youthwork Lab: Failure & Improvement
Have you spent the time writing and planning an engaging session for a Sunday morning, only to have no one turn up? Have you ever had a young person kick off so much in a youth club session that you called the police? Have you ever had to go to A&E with a young person? Have you ever arranged a trip, booked a minibus, only to find that, despite promises that young people were going to come, one car would have sufficed? Have you ever been chatting to other youth workers and exaggerated the numbers of young people you work with? Have you ever run a session with more leaders than young people? I have.
The Ministry of Failure
I’ve developed a morbid obsession with late night Christian television. I’m pretty sure it’s not good for my soul, but at the end of a long day, I often can’t resist.
Nailed it, failed it
The cultural highs and lows of the month, according to team Premier Youthwork.