All NexGen Pro articles – Page 82
Ready-to-use Movie: Monsters University
The original Pixar classic Monsters Inc. claimed (in its very catchy and Oscar-winning song) ‘I wouldn’t have nothing, if I didn’t have you.’
Ready-to-use Movie: Monsters University
The original Pixar classic Monsters Inc. claimed (in its very catchy and Oscar-winning song) ‘I wouldn’t have nothing, if I didn’t have you.’
Mobilising the village
As youth workers how can we pass on our experience, skills and knowledge to young people, and help others do the same? Youth worker Fraser Keay has started mentoring programs in two churches, and presents a practical guide to doing the same, as well as explaining why this should be a key priority in your youth ministry.
Ready-to-use Schools work: Miracles
To explore what a miracle is and whether Jesus performed any.
The Youth Ministry Revolution We Need
To kick off our new blog series, Martin Saunders called for a revolution in youth ministry (you can read the original blog here). Matt Valler fleshes out what this revolution might look like
The Ministry of Thin
Ever had the niggling feeling that you want to be thinner? That maybe, if you could just lose those few pounds, life would be better? Eating disorders are affecting more and more young people and adults in the UK than ever before. And, even if we don’t suffer from a diagnosed eating disorder, we may find ourselves devoting precious time, energy, money and effort to the pursuit of ‘being thin’. Christianity magazine’s Lucinda Borkett-Jones spoke to presenter of Supersize Vs Superskinny and author of The Ministry of Thin Emma Woolf about her own journey with anorexia, and how we can escape the clutches of the thin ideal.
Simple Youth Ministry
Does it all feel a bit too much? Like you're operating at maximum capacity and yet none of your work seems to have the impact you hope for? It's time to go back to basics. Ali Campbell shares his thoughts on simplifying your youth ministry.
Seven sins of re-inventing your youth ministry
I’m a big fan of change. In fact, one of the personal values I try to live out in every area of my life is this: ‘Change is non-negotiable. Upheaval, starting new things, risk and failure are all necessary and good, both for the organisation I’m a part of and for my own level of thriving.’
Mini Missionaries
What’s it like to take children onto the mission field – and why don’t we do it more readily, asks Lucinda van der Hart
Open up your mind: More is More
What if we aren’t making the gospel too complicated for young people, but too simple? Krish Kandiah encourages us to embrace paradox
Small but mighty
Is bigger always better when it comes to children’s work? David Csinos doesn’t think so…
The Middle of Nowhere
We hear so much about inner-city youth work, but what about the rest of the country? How do you do ministry with three young people, two pigs and a horse? Youth worker Joe Smith shares the woes and joys of youth work in the middle of nowhere.
Mindset over Method
In this week's Youthwork blog, Dave Niblock, youth pastor at LIFE Church UK, shares his thoughts on great leadership in youth ministry
Ready-To-Use Mentoring:Role Reversal
This week I went for a walk with a young guy in the Peak District near Sheffield. He grew up in the youth group I used to run and has since moved away, but during the holidays, he made the effort to come up and spend time with me.
Ready-to-use Mentoring: Would you rather?
Mentoring is a game of give and take - it’s offering wisdom and sharing but also probing and nudging your mentee. Try a round of ‘Would you rather?’ to open up discussions. Allow them to ask you some too, because when you are both offering insight it becomes a two-way relationship. Steer the session towards things that may open useful or deeper conversations. Here’s some ideas but do share your best ones with us!
Ready-to-use Mentoring: Three Persons…
Years ago, someone set up a ‘prayer tent’ in our Sunday service and I felt God speak to me quite clearly, and quite profoundly. As I lay on my back in the small tent, I looked up and saw that the pattern of the material as it joined at the peak was a small square with an ‘X’ through it (as the illustration demonstrates).