All NexGen Pro articles – Page 131
Recharge: Bible Study
Recharge is a bible study just for you, to nurture your own relationship with god. So stop, sit, breathe and read. This month, Gerard Kelly continues his series on the sermon on the mount, by looking at persecution.
Recharge Bible study: Life that comes from God
I’m married to a musician, specifically a singer and a choir leader. Although I don’t tell her this very often, I am amazed at the roomfilling sound she can pull out of a group of 30 or so often croaky voices, and the confidence she gives them to make that noise.
Beyond the decline
This week's Youthwork blog comes from a familiar face as Phoebe Thompson shares her view on youth ministry and the work she hopes will bring about change in the future.
Holiday clubs: One step beyond
I was reminiscing the other day with a friend about holiday clubs we had been to as children. As we are both in our early 40s, our fuzzy memories of singing songs and craft activities were at least 30 years old. It really made me think: if the ministry of holiday clubs has been going since the 1980s (and even longer), then is it still relevant in 2016?
Q & A: Dr. Bex Lewis
Do you confuse faith book with Facebook? Does the idea of children being online terrify you? Never fear, as Dr Bex Lewis is on hand with some practical advice for getting to grips with the internet. She spoke to Premier Childrenswork’s Jamie Cutteridge.
Calls for Better Sex Education
The Daily Telegraph has launched a campaign to improve sex education, after claims that the current guidance is out of the date. The last material for teachers in this area was published in 2000 and has no mention of online pornography, ‘sexting’ or social media. The attention has drawn support from a number of figures and organisations including Girl Guides, the NSPCC, Mumsnet and Claire Perry (the Prime Minister’s children’s advisor).
Ready-to-use discussion: Better together
All the best heroes have one thing in common – they’re better together. Just think about The Avengers. Sure, Captain America is pretty great on his own, but when combined with Iron Man and The Hulk… now you’ve got yourself a super team capable of taking on all the world can throw at them.
Day five: new vision, fresh ideas, better ways forward for youth ministry
So far this week we’ve mostly focused on things immediately relevant to the young people themselves - education, relationships and faith. Today we’re going to step back a bit and pray for youth ministry, and the ways in which the church engages with the younger generation.
Is bigger better for kids?
Atlanta megachurch pastor Andy Stanley recently caused controversy with comments about smaller churches during a Sunday sermon. Stanley, whose church has six campuses and more than 30,000 regular attendees said during his sermon: ‘When I hear adults say, “Well I don’t like a big church, I like about 200, I want to be able to know everybody,” I say: “You are so stinking selfish. You care nothing about the next generation. All you care about is you and your five friends. You don’t care about your kids [or] anybody else’s kids” … If you don’t go to a church large enough where you can have enough middle schoolers and high schoolers to separate them so they can have small groups and grow up the local church, you are a selfish adult. Get over it.’ Stanley later retracted his comments, tweeting: ‘The negative reaction to the clip from last weekend's message is entirely justified. Heck, even I was offended by what I said! I apologise.’
Better together
Here is something you already know: we do not change the lives of teenagers. We’re in the transformation business, but we play a support role. We are transformation hosts, really, since the work of transformation belongs solely to the Holy Spirit.
A good man in Bethlehem
Recharge is a Bible study just for you, to nurture your own relationship with God. So stop, sit, breathe and read
Q & A: Beth Croft
Beth Croft’s first solo album, Rule in my heart, has just hit the shelves. It’s so new that we didn’t have time to give it a listen. Instead, we caught up with Beth while she was in the recording studio.
The Best Youth Workers you didn't know were Youth Workers ...
... but actually are Youth Workers
Q & A: Jerome Berryman
There are few people who have influenced children’s ministry as much as Jerome Berryman. The founder of Godly Play – a reflective storytelling method encouraging children to explore the mystery of God – has brought about a shift in the way that we do and think about children’s work: from an educational model of old to a model of experience and encounter
The Youth Work Lab: Belonging
Traditionally, a model used to plot peoples’ journey into church has been simplified into behave, believe and belong. Simply put, this means that people are asked to follow Christian behaviours such as no sex before marriage, living humbly and giving generously, but also to behave in a way that might make them more acceptable within our own church community. Then, after behaving like a Christian, it’s thought that they might understand that this behaviour is a good and right way to live and so come to believe in the ways of Christ. Once this is done, they are then accepted into the church community and find a place of belonging, often through some kind of ceremony like baptism.
Q&A with Rob Bell
Possibly the only thing more likely to divide a group of Christians than the topic of hell is their opinion of Rob Bell on the topic of hell. Youthwork editor Martin Saunders caught up with the controversial author to talk about his new book – What we talk about when we talk about God – and whether or not he regrets the previous one.