


The following quote has been attributed to Aristotle: “ [Young people] have exalted notions, because they have not been humbled by life or learned its necessary limitations; moreover, their hopeful disposition makes them think themselves equal to great things.” This session explores the criticism often thrown at young people simply for being themselves and throws out a challenge to love differently because of the mission God has for them.

Begin with a discussion, using some of the following questions as prompts:

  • What do you enjoy most about being young? • What’s the hardest thing?
  • What do you look forward to in the future?
  • What are your dreams or goals?
  • How do other people support you or put you off these things?

Encourage the young people to share their ideas and experiences and create an atmosphere where they feel they can be open and be inspired about any goals they may have.



Play the track and provide copies of the lyrics for the group to follow. Discuss these questions as a group:

  • Can you relate to what the singer talks about in this song?
  • In what ways have you experienced this?
  • How could other people change this experience for you?

Look together at 1 Timothy 4:12. Talk about how this advice from Paul to Timothy contrasts with the experiences of the singer in the song, and their own experiences.

Explain to your young people that this verse is a game of two halves. It begins with an encouragement that they are valuable just for being them. The second half of the verse is a challenge to live differently to those around them and be role models in the way they live in obedience to Jesus.

Ask the group:

  • What in this verse encourages you personally?
  • How does it challenge you in the way you ‘rise’ to live as Jesus wants you to live?

Take the opportunity to build up the members of your group, sharing with them examples of how you see them living as examples to other followers.

As you draw the session to a close, give each young person the words of this verse printed on a small card for them to take away as a reminder of the challenge God has given them.

Pray together for all group members that they would have the courage needed to live this out in the coming weeks.
