All Mental Health articles – Page 3

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    Holistic Health


    If someone asked you how healthy you are, how would you answer? Would you think in terms of your physical body?

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    Mental health funding


    Last month’s announcement of an increase in mental health funding is a response to a report published by a taskforce of serviceusers and experts in the field, offering a comprehensive review of the current state of mental health services in the UK. Recent press reports have been rife concerning the challenges facing mental health services, so news that NHS England have committed to investing more than £1bn a year over the next five years into this area is very welcome, as is the call for ‘parity of esteem’ between mental and physical health problems.

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    LGBT young people struggle to find support


    A report by LGBT Youth North West has shown that the majority of LGBT young people feel that they don’t receive adequate support from adults in regard to issues surrounding identity and mental health. The survey of 128 LGBT young people (between 15-19 years old) in the North-West of the England also showed that a quarter of them would not feel comfortable talking to any adult about problematic issues.

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    Rise in self-harm figures


    Figures released by the Health and Social Care Information Centre show that reports of self-harm have reached record levels.

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    Helping children with mental health issues


    According to ChildLine, there has been a nine per cent increase in the number of children struggling with feelings of unhappiness and low self-esteem in 2014-2015. As many as 100 contacts a week were made in response to situations involving abuse, and mental health related calls totalled 85,000: that’s one every six minutes, and almost a third of all calls received.

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    Challenges facing young people


    Central YMCA have released a report highlighting the challenges faced by British young people (aged 16-25). The Challenge of Being Young in Modern Britain report also looked at some of the biggest barriers to overcoming these challenges.

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    Poverty, family breakdown and mental health


    In December, Health minister Norman Lamb MP, Sarah Brennan, CEO of Young Minds UK, and other leading experts and policy makers
    attended a conference, hosted by urban youth charity XLP and think tank CSJ.

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    Suicidal thoughts: Break the silence


    As youth workers, we’re getting much better at talking about mental health issues – we’re familiar with self-harm, eating disorders and depression. But statistics suggest that suicidal thoughts are more common than all of these… and no-one is talking about them. ThinkTwice’s Rachael Newham calls on us to break the silence surrounding this stigma

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    It’s getting harder to catch your breath, your tongue is sticking to the roof of your mouth and you’re trying desperately to ignore the perspiration trickling between your shoulder blades …

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    Rise in anxiety among young people


    Every week there seem to be new statistics which tell us about a rise in young people struggling with their mental health; whether it be anxiety levels or a rise in experiencing suicidal thoughts. The more statistics that come in, the harder it can be to respond. ChildLine reports that they’ve seen a rise of 35 per cent in counselling sessions with young people about anxiety, with 6,500 counselling sessions on anxiety being given in the last six months.

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    Young People Receive Mental Health Treatment In Adult Wards


    Rising numbers of young people are receiving mental health treatment in adult psychiatric wards.

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    Let's start talking about mental health


    Society today simply doesn’t talk enough about mental health. But how can we not talk about it when 62 per cent of girls aged 11 to 21 know a girl or young woman who has experienced a mental health problem? Or when almost half of girls aged 17 to 21 (46 per cent) have needed help with their mental health?

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    We need to talk about children’s mental health…


    Childhood is an amazing time, full of change and a time to set patterns, beliefs and attitudes that often stay with us right through our adult life. The saying goes that your childhood days are the happiest of your life, but increasingly we’re seeing figures which challenge that. 

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    Under-11s treated for depression


    Thousands of children under the age of eleven have received treatment for depression, stress and anxiety over the last five years. A freedom of information request from the Daily Mirror revealed that, in just two of England’s 60 mental health trusts, 4,391 children aged 10 or younger have received mental health treatment in the last five years.

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    Bullying 101


    How do you identify a bullied child? How do you minister to them – and to a bully? Author of a new book on adult and child bullying Helena Wilkinson explains.