All Growing Together articles
Jericho: Session 4
MEETING AIM: To discover that God used unexpected means to lead the Israelites to victory and to do the seemingly impossible task of breaking down the walls of Jericho.
Crossing the river: Session 3
MEETING AIM: To explore how God reminds the Israelites of his faithfulness, and to reflect on and remember times when we have seen God keep his promises and do amazing things.
Rahab: Session 2
MEETING AIM: To explore with the children how, as Christians, we are sometimes called to stand out and be different from those around us in order to show God’s love and follow his ways.
Joshua: Session 1
MEETING AIM: To explore how God encouraged Joshua before he led the Israelites on the final leg of their journey into the Promised Land.
Love your enemies: Session 4
MEETING AIM: To think about how we respond to bullies and explore God’s challenge to love one another.
David and the good shepherd: Session 3
MEETING AIM: To learn that God is always with us – in good times and bad – and to provide an opportunity to think about cyberbullying.
Joseph and his brothers: Session 1
MEETING AIM: To learn that God knows about everything we are going through, and to discover that bullying is never OK.
The Lost Son: Session 4
MEETING AIM: To identify with the characters and recognise their identity as loved children of a good heavenly Father.
The Sower: Session 3
MEETING AIM: To encourage the children to think about how they are growing as followers of Jesus, and how they can reach others and help them grow.