All First Steps Together articles
Jericho: Session 4
MEETING AIM: To think about how Joshua trusted God’s plan and was brave because God was with him.
Crossing the river: Session 3
MEETING AIM: To think about how important it is to reflect and thank God for his faithfulness.
Rahab: Session 2
MEETING AIM: To think about how Rahab chose to trust God and live differently compared with those around her.
Joshua: Session 1
MEETING AIM: To discover that it’s OK to feel scared and that we can have courage because God is with us.
Revenge and love: Session 4
MEETING AIM: To think about the way Jesus calls us to love each other.
The good shepherd: Session 3
MEETING AIM: To discover that God is with us and cares about our worries and concerns.
Hannah and Peninnah: Session 2
MEETING AIM: To explore how to respond when people are mean to us.
Joseph and his brothers: Session 1
MEETING AIM: To think about family relationships and how we live with siblings.