All Family & parenting articles – Page 5
John Lewis is right to highlight the value of foster carers. But let no one be unaware of the challenge
Ali Hull talks to two Christian foster carers about their very different experiences of fostering
Should you watch ‘I’m a Celebrity’ with your teenagers?
Would you want to appear on the show?
5 practical ways to encourage your children to be more grateful
Do you recall any regular chores you had to do?
An estimated one in six girls and one in 20 boys experience sexual abuse before the age of 16. Being alert to the dangers could save your child
Are you surprised by these statistics?
‘Parenthood caused me to lose sight of who God made me to be’
Lindsay Wright was lost in motherhood before rediscovering who she was
Could your child be part of a new generation of Billy Grahams?
Do you have any ‘evangelists’ in your family?
The day we decided our family culture had to change
Who sets the tone for the culture in your family?
The next Messi or Ronaldo? How to support your child’s elite sports ambitions as a Christian parent
How would you support your child’s faith alongside their sport?
Put Jesus at the centre of your family this Halloween. Try this recipe for ‘salt and light’ chocolate slabs
Do you do anything special at Halloween?
Light parties or Halloween? I know what I am choosing
Andy Peck found a local church which solved a tricky dilemma
Do you pray with your children? Here’s some ways that could work well
How often do you pray with your children?
We tried reading the Bible together as a family every day for a month. Here’s what happened
Could your family find a time to read the Bible together?
Lying is a huge deal in our family. Here’s how we have taught our children to tell the truth
How do you know when your children are lying?
TV presenter Dan Walker has a mobile phone contract with his children. Should you do the same?
When did you first own a mobile phone?
If faith conversations with your children feel awkward, here’s what to do
Andy Peck believes there are some conversation approaches that can improve your chats with young people
Need to keep your children safe online? Here’s how
How much do you know about what your children watch?
How can I check my children’s social media habits and not become a pain?
How many apps on your phone?
My children started copying my angry responses. So we now play a game that helps us all
What pushes your buttons?