All Family & parenting articles – Page 4
‘What are you watching?!’ When your child likes material you don’t think is appropriate
Do you recall a particular TV programme being banned?
Pointers for Christian mums following Jacinda Ardern’s resignation as PM of New Zealand
What would you sacrifice for your family?
What to say if a young person ‘comes out’ in conversation with you
What is your first reaction when someone tells you something they didn’t expect?
Food fads and teenagers. How a Christian parent can gain a sense of balance
Are you the kind of person to go on a diet?
3 ways to respond as a Christian parent when your child winds you up
Have your irritations increased or decreased over time?
‘I don’t want history to repeat itself’: the lessons for Christian parents from Harry’s pain
Can you see history repeating itself in your family?
5 ways to help your teen when they are obsessed with a celebrity
Who was your ‘hero’ growing up?
The verse in Proverbs that has scared a generation of parents. How to understand it and learn from it
How good do you rate your start in the Christian faith?
3 tips for a Jesus-focussed, guilt-free Christmas
As people who know grace why do we screw ourselves up so much?
What I have learnt about Christian parenting from looking after other people’s children
There are believed to be 90,000 au pairs in the UK
How do I fill the Christmas week as a Christian parent?
Do you find keeping children busy a challenge?
‘Look forward to the teenage years as a Christian parent! These years can be some of your best as a parent if you navigate wisely’
Would you say you were an easy teenage to parent?
Help, my teenager doesn’t want to come to church
Andy Peck looks at the heartbreak of children drifting away from church and faith and suggests some things to remember
If a child you knew was being sexually abused, could you spot the signs?
Would you be able to spot the signs?