All Family & parenting articles – Page 2
The mistakes I have made as a Christian parent, have made me a better parent
Your worst mistake as a parent?
What Christians can learn from the Princess of Wales’ parenting rules
Where do you get your parental wisdom from?
When your parenting journey isn’t what you expect
How close has your parenting been to what you expected?
Conversation is key to parenting, but how do you create the time and place?
Joel Toombs shares some mentoring approaches that will take time with your children to a new level
What I would say to my younger parenting self about starting a new term
Which transitions do you recall most clearly?
5 parenting tips from the Bible’s most dysfunctional families
Which Bible passage do you find most relevant to your family?
6 vital questions to ask as you approach the new school term
Were you anxious as you began a new school year?
How to prepare Christian young people for part-time work
Do you recall your first Saturday job?
Why allowing children to eavesdrop is a good thing
Do you recall picking up ideas from adults by over hearing them chat?
Year out, uni or work? How christian parents can navigate the crisis
How clear was your pathway?
How drug gangs involve teens in their work and how Christian parents can be alert
How prevalent are ‘county lines’ where you live?
8 ways to teach your children to pray (and leave them skills that will last a lifetime)
Do you recall when you learned to pray?
How to actually compare your child with other Christian children
Did you get compared with anyone when you were growinng up
‘Age verification on porn sites will help your children stay safe, but loop holes need closing’
Do your children access porn and how would you know?
Being a dad is an incredible privilege - here’s how to make the most of it
What’s the best part of being a parent?
Bluey may be popular but my child’s behaviour has gone downhill. As a Christian parent what should I do?
What TV programmes seem to affect your kids?
As an ‘ex new-ager’ I am surprised that books like the Harry Potter series are considered OK by Christians
Did magical themes interest you in your youth?
Embarrassing your kids with your faith? Don’t lose heart, they will get over it!
What did you cringe at growing up?