All Editorial articles – Page 82

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    Youth Work Lab: Singing


    Before youth work and youth ministry got off the ground, one key way of traditional churches involving young people in the life of the faith community was through a church choir. Early church choirs weren’t only about worship, they were also a place of education. Here young people, mainly boys, would be taught to read both music and words. 

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    Youth Work Lab: Parents


    Sometimes they don’t engage at all, sometimes they criticise the things you say and do, sometimes they speak an encouraging word and it lifts you for the rest of the term. Youth workers may focus on the young people with the core of their roles, but the role of family in youth work should never be under-estimated. Young people remain the focus of our work, but neglecting the role families can play in the ministries we are a part of can result in missed opportunities to see greater wholeness.

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    A Knight to Remember


    You might not expect contemplative spiritual exercises to be the lasting legacy of a 16th century Spanish knight, but Ignatius of Loyola was no ordinary Spaniard and no ordinary knight. We can press fast-forward on his wealthy upbringing as the youngest of 13 children, though you might be interested to know that he came to faith while recovering from a wound he sustained in the Italian War of 1521-26...

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    YouTube Kids


    Children are consuming around six and a half hours of screentime per day, with YouTube in the top three websites for young people since 2007. YouTube, along with other social media sites, is really designed for children aged over 13, but of course there’s plenty of material that younger children can and do watch.

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    News short

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    KOKO: Keep on Keeping on


    Koko, a project by the Girls’ Brigade England and Wales.

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    Keep on keeping on


    A few months ago I received a message from a boy I worked with in the early days of XLP. As youth workers we all know at least one kid that we are secretly dreading seeing again: this was that kid. He was a nightmare. But out of nowhere, he contacted me on Facebook saying, ‘You may remember that back then I wasn’t the best kid in school, but I have now seen sense and work as a police officer.’

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    Pick of the Month: Kisses from Katie


    Katie Davis with Beth Clark - Authentic, 2012 £9.99 - One of the best resources i’ve ever engaged with.

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    Justice as a Lifestyle


    It’s a well-worn cliché to say that young people are passionate about justice – but what does that really mean? Matt Valler believes that while campaigns, lifestyle choices and fundraising events are of some value, we’ll never truly see the world change until justice becomes our way of life.

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    Justice: The Soul of the Story


    It was the height of summer. For a couple of weeks the rain abated and as the sun shone I sat inside – like millions of my fellow countryfolk – and munched on some cake while watching a few exceptional people achieve sporting greatness. If only I could run like that, I thought to myself, while licking the last of the icing from my plate.

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    June News


    This month's news.

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    June/ July News


    This issue's news.

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    Ready-to-use Reflective Journey: Praying for people


    Photocopiable resource

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    Ready-to-use reflective journal: Write your own Psalm


    Photocopiable (printable) resource

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    Ready-to-use Reflective Journal: Rhythm of Life


    This a photocopiable resource

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    Ready-to-use: Reflective Journal: Unique


    Photocopiable resource

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    Youth work jokes


    This selection should keep you busy for a while ...

  • Blog

    Join us next week as we pray for UK young people


    In the run up to this year’s Youth Work Summit, the organisations involved in running the event - which include Premier Youthwork - are committing to spend a week praying for young people, and for the church’s work with them around the UK.

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    Join me


    I’ve come to a realisation, and it’s taken me nearly ten years to get there. Confession time: I have always assumed that youth ministry was something that I’d give myself to with abundant passion and commitment… for a time. I’ve operated on the assumption that at some point, I’d stop doing this and progress on to something else. Not adult ministry, you understand – I couldn’t think of anything worse – but the pursuit of some of the other dreams and ambitions that I hold.

  • Issues

    Youth work job titles


    There are a heap of different names given to us youth… workers? Ministers? Pastors? SEE! Anyway, it’s quite difficult to figure out the ideal job title. Fortunately, as per usual, we’re on hand with some very important advice...