All Editorial articles – Page 74
Prayer in Schools
You might have memories of praying at primary school when you were a child: hands together, eyes closed…a short, non-committal prayer by a teacher followed by a drawn-out ‘Aaaaaaaaaamen’ from the whole school. This may still be the case in your local school. Religious education is struggling from a lack of specialist teachers, and a 2010 Ofsted report comments that, while the subject was making positive contributions to areas such as community cohesion, it was contributing little to students’ spiritual development.
Poverty and Reading
Former US Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton has highlighted the link between poverty and reading.
Ready-to-use Reflection: Postures
Sometimes the ways we do church worship can make it seem like all that really matters to God is our brains or our hearts. We say prayers
and sing hymns that are full of truth and theology, or we repeat heartfelt choruses, engaging with a range of emotions. Our bodies are sometimes ignored or forgotten about. Yet God made our physical shape as well as our minds and souls, and the Bible is full of references to different postures used in worship. -
Youth and Porn
A campaign part-launched by Youthwork magazine is calling on the government to tackle the issues that allow millions of children and young people to view explicit images online.
The ponderings of a Youth worker...
Laura Haddow asks: What is it about the end of the year that inevitably makes you become all reflective?
TV Talk Points
Ever wondered what your teenagers are watching on TV? Youthwork’s screen maestro Tom Wade brings us up-to-date and provides some handy talking points to get your young people thinking about what they are viewing.
‘I had three placements in three years'
Over the course of three years, I had three youth work placements as part of my youth work degree. These gave me three very different experiences. I felt like one of those toys that can be stretched and pulled in all sorts of different directions. At its worst, I wanted to quit, disappear and leave youth ministry. At its best, I felt affirmed, talented and confident in my role as a youth worker.
Re-charge: Prayers of Place
Re-charge is a Bible study just for you, to nurture your own relationship with god. So stop, sit, breathe and read. This month, Gerard Kelly reflects on kingdom prayers.
Our regular resource for incorporating spiritual practices in your work with children, from Ian Adams and Carolyn Edwards
The Profile Picture
Occasionally, due to bank holidays, deputy editor Phoebe Thompson ends up in the office by herself, going slightly mad. This happened recently and fortunately the fruits of her labour were this rather excellent blog.
Q&A: Sally Phillips
Actress Sally Phillips is known for her roles as Tilly in Miranda, Shazzer in Bridget Jones and for co-creating and writing the award-winning sitcom Smack The Pony. Sally and her husband have three sons and Olly, their eldest (aged 11) has Down’s syndrome. Ruth Jackson spoke to Sally about parenting a child with additional needs in church
The third person
Seeing things from an outside perspective can be a real benefit to achieving progress, insight, and hopefully change. When you are in the thick of things yourself it can be really hard to see the obvious mistakes you are making or understand anyone else’s point of view.
The Third Person
How do you prepare young people for encountering the Holy Spirit? In the run up to the summer festivals, Soul Survivor’s Mike Pilavachi shares some wisdom.
Young People and Sex
83% of Christian young people think sex is only for marriage; only 36% think homosexuality is a sin.
Rites of passage
In this week's Youthwork blog, Andy Frost of Share Jesus International proposes the idea of re-instating a 'rites of passage' for young people, and the impact this would have in today's society.
“You shall not pass”
This year I turned 40; it turns out it happens to the best of us. When I turned 30 I started wearing red nail varnish and animal print, vowing that from that moment on, I would channel my inner Russian princess on a more regular basis and, much more importantly, I decided stop second-guessing myself and start speaking what was on my heart, even if I was terrified to do so.
Pass on the peace
Aid and development charity CAFOD has launched its ‘Pass it On’ peace campaign. Inspired by the 100 days peace truce agreed to by the ancient Olympians, CAFOD are encouraging young people to take part in spreading the peace by uploading video clips and personal messages for those not living in peace in 2012. The videos - which see young people walking from the left to the right – are linked together on CAFOD’s website to form a continuously moving chain.