All Editorial articles – Page 73

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    Ready-to-Movie: Scrooged


    Clip: The clip starts at 1:29:36 and lasts until 1:33:43. 

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    What are you reading


    A youthworker asked me this week what they should read. I didn’t have to think for very long: The furious longing of God by Brennan Manning and Horny & hormonal by Nick Luxmoore. There’s a slight ‘but’ with that answer: that’s because they’re the books I’m reading at the moment, and I’m one of those people who gets consumed by a book and then quickly evangelistic about why you should have it in your life too - sorry!

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    Reader’s survey results


    We wanted to find out about you, our readers - so we asked you some questions! Here’s what you had to say.

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    Readers' survey results


    We’ve collated some of the results from the Premier Childrenswork readers’ survey to see who reads this magazine and what sort of children’s ministry you do. (We are aware that some of the answers don’t add up to 100 per cent, that’s the nature of rounding up and down!).

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    Reader survey results


    Every now and then, we like to find out who reads this magazine and if it’s at all useful. So we did… As an extra incentive this year we partnered with Feed the Hungry so a huge thank you to the 188 youth workers who have provided a month of meals for 188 child refugees by responding to the Premier Youthwork readers’ survey. We’ve collated some of the results below (and yes, some answers don’t add up to 100%, that’s the nature of rounding up and down). Download the result here.

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    Quiet team


    Taking time away from the busyness of ministry often surprisingly difficult, and some of us aren’t fans of silence and empty space. Yet Jenny Baker is convinced that retreats aren’t just a good idea – they’re essential, not only for our spiritual health as individuals, but also for the health of our youth work teams.

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    Project: Storytime Service


    To provide a relaxed space for families to spend quality time together in worship and prayer and to learn about Jesus and the Bible through storytelling. We hope to develop the sense of community within our church and to welcome all who want to come

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    The Rev Project


    What is this?

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    Youth work problems


    Dear Youth Work problems, There’s a church nearby that runs a great youth ministry, but we disagree on some key theological issues. Should we work together or are we better apart? What’s the best way of doing it?

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    Youth work problems


    Do you have a youth work problem? Email us at or tweet us @youthworkmag #youthworkproblems

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    Youth work problems


    DEAR YOUTH WORK PROBLEMS, Two of our young people have just started going out, and they are pretty central to the group. This has
    changed the dynamic and I’m worried about what would happen if they broke up. What should I do?

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    Youth Work Problems


    Dear youth work problems, I have a lot of young people on gap years or unemployed while they look for work. How can I practically care for them?

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    Youth work problems


    Dear Youth work problems, does it matter how big my youth group is?

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    Price Tag


    Steve Sexton has come up with a rather unusual way of getting young people into church: he pays them.

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    Under Pressure


    Anxiety and depression in British 15 year-olds has increased by 70 per cent within the last 25 years. The UK also has the highest self-harm rates in Europe; One in ten teenagers deliberately hurts themselves. The impact of this mental health epidemic on you as a youth worker is potentially catastrophic, and yet what is being done to protect you from the risks? 

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    Our regular resource for incorporating spiritual practices into your work with children, from Ian Adams and Carolyn Edwards Why spiritual practice?

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    Preparation for Uni


    In this week's Youthwork blog, Rosie Kersys tells us why we need to do more to prepare our young people for university.

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    Pre-Written Prayers in Worship


    A couple of years ago, we were involved in helping a Baptist church youth group plan a worship service. This was a new initiative and was to be a service planned, led and executed by the young people. We made some suggestions, which they either shot down or ran with. One of the suggestions made was the idea of using a pre-written prayer - what some people might call ‘liturgy’. This led to great debate in the planning group: ‘Do we do pre-written prayers?’

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    ‘I am with you always’ - the World Weekend of Prayer for children at risk

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    Youth Workers and Prayer


    Less than half of youth workers wait on God in prayer.