All Editorial articles – Page 42
Mentoring: #identity
How often have you heard someone described as a wolf in sheep’s clothing? The phrase actually originates from Jesus himself in Matthew 7:15 and refers to someone who appears harmless, but their true identity is potentially hurtful.
Youth group games
Here is a selection of games you can play (or adapt) for a youth group evening. There is a mix of active and settled games to suit your group and situation.
Craft: Chosen to be king
Background: David and his whole family are taken by surprise when he is chosen by God, through Samuel, to be Israel’s king. These crafts will help children explore some of the key themes of the story in a creative, open-ended and even scientific way!
Are your children breaking the law?
13 per cent of children as young as eight are using social media for four hours a day. But the minimum age limit is 13, so how are they getting away with it? And what are we going to do about it?
In the cave: Session 3
Meeting aim: To learn how David trusted in God and how we can do the same.
David and Jonathan: Session 2
Meeting aim: To highlight instances of injustice and the importance of speaking out against it.
Chosen to be king: Session 1
Meeting aim: To learn how God chose David, and how God looks at our insides, not our outsides.
Walking with children through grief
The concert finished and, as people were leaving, the bomb, which contained nails, screws and bolts, detonated. The devastation killed 22 people, many of whom were children. Around 120 more were injured and countless more suffered the consequences of experiencing the trauma first hand. The horror that ...
The Ark of the Covenant: Session 4
Meeting aim: To remember how great God is, and that we should always praise and respect him
In the cave: Session 3
Meeting aim: To see how David did the right thing by sparing the life of King Saul.