All Editorial articles – Page 142
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Jesus meets...Zacchaeus
To explore the strength of our hunger and desire for God.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Jesus meets...Mary and Martha
To examine how we can keep our focus on Jesus.
Adaptable meeting guide: Job, God and the Devil
To explore the start of the book of Job, and think about the central characters: Job, the devil and God.
Adaptable meeting guide: Job and Suffering
To continue with Job’s story, and understand the loss and suffering he endured.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Proofs for God
Meeting Aim: To explore some ‘proofs’ for God’s existence.
Adaptable meeting guide: How to have a quiet time
To talk about the importance and the practicalities of having a quiet time – a regular, intentional space to be with God: other meeting guides will cover what to do within it, such as pray and read the Bible.
Adaptable meeting guide: How to pray
To increase awareness that prayer is a conversation between you and a God who knows you, one that can take place in private and involves talking simply to God.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Nehemiah - a Leader who delegated
To explore how we might release and encourage people into doing big things for God.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Ezra - A Leader who loved Scripture
To understand the role and importance of the Bible in developing a relationship with God.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Jeremiah: A Leader who was young
To show that God wants to use us now, in whatever situation or season we find ourselves in.
Adaptable Meeting Guide : The Parable of the Pearl / Hidden Treasure
To consider what the parables of the pearl and hidden treasure reveal to us about the kingdom of God.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Girls Redefined
This session focuses on helping girls to embrace their God-given presence on the planet.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Jesus meets...the Canaanite Woman
Sometimes Jesus behaves in ways that made people uncomfortable. But there are important things we learn when we discover what Jesus is saying and doing.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: The Bible’s Big Story: From Babylon to Bethlehem
To continue to help people understand the Bible better by grasping the overarching narrative of scripture. It will take four sessions to complete the story; in this third we’ll refresh memories of the first two parts and continue the story from the exile to Jesus’ birth.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Micah
Meeting Aim: To encourage your young people to think about how they can be more just, more merciful and more humble.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: The Bible’s Big Story: From Bethlehem to Heaven
To continue to help people understand the Bible better by grasping the overarching narrative of scripture. This is the last of four sessions surveying the story; this time we’ll recap, then extend the account through the New Testament.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: Care Of Creation - Waste And Recycling
Meeting aim: To highlight how God put us in charge of caring for his creation particularly through cutting down our waste and recycling more.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: God at Work
To show that there is dignity and value in the tasks we do each week, and that they can be done with and for God.
Adaptable Meeting Guide: God at Play
To explore the idea of a playful God; a God who is creative and delights in us having fun, to inspire young people to know that God is
as interested in their play time as any other activity, and to challenge them to think about the time they spend at play and ask whether
what they do and how much time they spend doing it helps or hinders their relationship with God.