All Editorial articles – Page 107
A Discipleship Crisis
In this week's Youthwork blog, Pete Baker of PaisGB discusses the important role discipleship should play in all youth ministry.
The discipleship crisis
Youth ministry isn’t facing a discipleship crisis, the Church is facing a discipleship crisis. As youth workers, we have a huge role to play in this: how can our work now build lifelong disciples, passionate about passing that faith on to others? Ali Campbell kicks off our new blog series…
Young People face quarter-life crisis, warns MP
Former Children’s Minister Tim Loughton has warned that this generation of children and young people will face a ‘quarter-life crisis’. The Conservative MP, writing a 4Children pamphlet, entitled The State our children are in, suggested that the combination of social media, sexualised childhoods, long periods in front of screens and a lack of adult role models is creating this quarter-life crisis.
Youthwork Investigates…The ongoing refugee crisis
There’s a service station in Šid, Serbia where refugees making the journey to Western Europe stop to break up their journey and to wash. Amy, who works for Christian Aid, met a 22-year-old Christian who had made his way from Damascus, Syria at this service station. He didn’t want to be named but he did want his story told.
Responding to the refugee crisis
Around the world, millions of people have been displaced because of recent conflicts and thousands of them have made their way across the Mediterranean. There seem to be hundreds of opinions as to why it’s happening and how we can respond. It’s complicated enough as an adult – both in the global politics at play, and the emotions it evokes – but it can be particularly tricky to help children engage with the issue. Here are some simple ways you can help children think through and respond to the crisis.
Can prayer stop gang crime?
Quotes from Dr Toyin Idowu, YACnCAY. Following the killing of family friend Samuel Ogunro (17), Dr Toyin Idowu knew she had to do something to prevent more young people from losing their lives.
Premier Youthwork Investigates…Knife Crime
There has been a significant increase in knife crime over the last year in Britain. In London alone, nearly 1,700 people under the age of 25 were injured due to knife crime last year. In 2015, there has been an 18 per cent rise in stabbings and deaths in the capital. What do experts think are some of the underlying problems and solutions?
Ready-to-use Schoolswork - Creative Resources for Prayer Spaces in Schools
In the last academic year there were 272 prayer spaces in schools. That means an estimated 100,000 young people experienced prayer last year, many for the first time. Prayer spaces in schools offer a welcoming space to explore Christian prayer and spirituality, to ask the big questions in life and to reflect on our hopes and dreams.
Neknomination craze leads to deaths
The ‘NekNominate’ drinking craze that has wreaked havoc across social media sites has been blamed for numerous deaths.
Creation crafts
Tea-bag painting, Treasure picture, Play-dough modelling and Nature paintings
Faith at home
Craft: Zacchaeus
The story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1—10) is rich with meaning for children and these craft ideas should give them space to process their thoughts about this story.
Ready-To-Use Craft Ideas: Food-themed Crafts
Food plays a big part in the biblical narratives – from symbolic meals like the Passover and the Last Supper, to the parties Jesus went to at peoples’ houses, such as those of Zacchaeus and Mary and Martha. That’s not to mention miraculous provision of food such as quail and manna for the Israelites in the desert, and Jesus’ multiplication of a few fish and loaves of bread so that 5,000 were satisfied.
Ready-To-Use Craft Ideas: David & Goliath Crafts
Jenny Gilbertson shares three crafts to help you teach the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
Ready-To-Use Craft Ideas : Fishy Tales
Fish make an appearance many times in the Bible. Here are three ideas to help you introduce some of those stories to your group.
Ready-To-Use Craft Ideas: Easter
Here are three Easter-themed crafts for Easter Sunday. They are the kinds of activities which your group might also do around Christmas time and so they could be used to explain that Easter is just as important as Christmas. You could also explore why Christmas is seen as a bigger deal – is it because we don’t like thinking about the things we do wrong? There’s no need to take the children on a guilt trip, but you may well get some very insightful comments from them.
Ready-to-use Craft Ideas: Lost and Found
Jesus told three very well-known stories about things – and people – that were lost and then found: the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son. You’ll find them all in Luke 15. These crafts will help you teach your group about how important every single one of them is to Jesus.
Craft: Jesus walks on water
This is a story with some great imagery (Matthew 14:22–33)! These crafts will help to draw out themes of keeping afloat, stepping out, focusing on Jesus and miraculous help.
Craft: Holy Week
These craft ideas are designed to help children connect with and reflect on different parts of the Easter story as it travels though Holy Week. Enjoy the journey!
Craft: Jacob’s ladder
The story of Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28:10–22) is full of amazing imagery and these craft ideas will help to stimulate imagination and draw out key themes of encountering God, holy ground and what heaven is like.