All Editorial articles – Page 106
Cyber Self Harm
The internet is no bad thing. But what if people started using it to self-harm? Director of, Rachel Welch, uncovers a shocking new trend in young people's behaviour online.
End Message: Keeping on the Cutting Edge
For one issue only - The Message’s Andy Hawthorne reflects on his time in ministry. -
It’s rare that anything makes Youthwork journalist Jamie Cutteridge as angry as the #CutForBieber story did earlier this year. Here he reflects on it, and gives some pointers as to how we can respond.
Youth service spending cut by over a third
Spending on youth services has fallen by over a third in the last two years. Figures released to the BBC following a freedom of information request showed that between the 2010-11 financial year and 2012-13, the amount spent in this area fell by £438m, a reduction of 36 per cent.
How to Tidy the Youth Cupboard
If you're anything other than a superhuman then your youth cupboard or office will be overflowing with an assortment of games, equipment and clothing that hasn't been used or claimed in months. With that in mind, here are a few de-cluttering ideas.
World Cup games
Every four years, youth workers around the world put aside their denominational and national differences, and unite in a glorious moving-of youth-work-meetings-around-the- schedule-of-matches-at-the-FIFA-World-Cup. To help justify you halting your regular schedule and programmes to basically watch football on TV, here are some World Cup themed games.
The World Cup
To give you a peek behind the curtain, one member of Team Youthwork is heading out to the actual World Cup to watch the action, while the other two will be resolutely ignoring its very existence.
Culture Shift
The 25 years of Premier Youthwork haven’t taken place in a vacuum – there’s been a world going on outside of this magazine’s pages. Former editor Martin Saunders reflects on some of the cultural changes that have taken place, and what they haven meant for our young people and youth ministries.
Culture Flock
Young people desire community, but for many, the church is no longer seen as somewhere to belong. Youthwork’s Jamie Cutteridge examines young people’s viewing, reading and listening ha bits and asks: has popular culture replaced the Church?
Ready-to-use Games + Icebreakers : The Crystal Maze
Have you ever pondered on the nature of things that are greater than the sum of their parts - when things on their own are good, but when you put them altogether they become great? Have you ever wished to be able to provide that kind of exponentially great and glorious experience for your youth group? Well stop wishing, because in honour of this month’s superlative bite-sized doses of youth work-ery goodness at the Youthwork Summit, here is a Crystal Maze themed column of games, chock-full of little mini-games that, when put together, create an event of epic proportions.
Q & A: Cristina Gangemi
Down’s syndrome is rarely talked about in the media, but it became headline news last month. Richard Dawkins sparked a media controversy on Twitter with his claim that foetuses diagnosed with Down’s syndrome should be aborted. Responding to a tweet which expressed the ‘ethical dilemma’ of discovering your baby had Down’s syndrome, he said: ‘Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice.’
Crisis? What crisis?
YFC's Phil Knox is the a bubbling ball of positivity, so of course he doesn't see crisis like the rest of us...