All Editorial articles – Page 102
Don’t ‘mind the gap’, make the most of it...
For the first time ever, Youthwork opened up its doors for a one-day writers masterclass. Sixteen youth workers gathered from all corners of the country to share ideas, learn skills and to hone their craft. In the coming weeks we will be posting guest blogs from the attendees – here’s one from Pete White.
Meeting guides? Where we’re going, we don’t need meeting guides!
Youth work is malleable. It fits into its surroundings. It keeps up with cultural trends. Ish. So what might youth work look like in another 25 years when the future finally arrives? Here are a few ideas…
Job Done?
At the start of a new term, there’s barely time to stop for breath, let alone worry about those who have left the youth group. However,
Fusion’s Pippa Elmes believes that ‘finishing well’ with young people and sending them off into a life of study or work should be a vital part of our
ministry. -
Games Master: Team Dodgeball, Spaghetti Quiz, SMS - (Silly Messy Simple) Game: Leader in the Stocks
Three easy games to use with the creative minds behind Messy Church children in your group.
Terra Divina
Our regular resource for incorporating spiritual practices into your work with children, from Ian Adams and Carolyn Edwards
Lectio Divina
Our regular resource for incorporating spiritual practices into your work with children, from Ian Adams and Carolyn Edwards
The Last Word: When God seems distant
I was asked to speak on Psalm 139 for a youth worker’s spiritual retreat recently. The thing is - Psalm 139 is such a familiar Psalm, and I didn’t just want to offer clichés. Since it was a spiritual retreat, and the youth workers would be introduced to a variety of spiritual practices, I thought it might be helpful for me to approach the text in the same way
Eating Disorders
Every youth leader knows teenagers who have developed a complex relationship with food. But knowing how best to tackle it can be challenging.
Ready-to-use Discussion: Queen Elizabeth II
On 9th September, Queen Elizabeth II became the longest-reigning British monarch, having been queen since February 1952.
Ready-to-use Discussion: Free speech
The world was rocked in January when terrorists attacked the headquarters of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people, including two police officers. This sparked a manhunt, sieges and outpourings of grief and anger across the world. The attackers, Islamic extremists possibly linked to al-Qaeda, are thought to have been ‘provoked’ by the magazine’s previous depiction of Islam, ISIS and the prophet Mohammed (images of Mohammed are banned in the Qu’ran and offensive to Muslims).
Ready-to-use Discussion: Selfies
Remember when people used to take photos of other things? You might go on safari and take sweeping photos of majestic beasts, cavalcading through the Serengeti. You could go to a concert and snap the singer at that exact moment they hit the ludicrously high note.
Ready-to-use Discussion: Doctor Who
The tension was palpable. At any minute, our collective fate, our future, would be revealed. Social media was abuzz with speculation, those in the room held their collective breath as viewers worldwide stared at the screen intently, barely moving, blinking or thinking. This. Was. It. The lights went down and suddenly, he appeared. Peter Capaldi… the new Doctor.
Ready-to-use Discussion: It's just so emotional
In recent months cinemas have been full of nervous laughter mixed with floods of tears. Movie-goers have wept buckets while watching the doomed (no spoilers) romance between Hazel and Augustus in The Fault in our Stars.
Ready-to-use Discussion: Winning
The summer has been full of celebrations and commiserations, people winning (the Olympics! Andy Murray! Chris Froome!) and failing (ah, the English football team), people working together and falling apart. But what does the Bible say about winning? Does trying hard matter? Where does grace fit in?
Ready-to-use Discussion: Immigration
If there’s one story that’s constantly dominating the headlines, it’s immigration.
Ready-to-use Discussion: A Real Resurrection
Everyone loves a comeback. We love stories where somehow, out of nowhere, the hero manages to reign victorious. It could be a football
team, a battle, a pop star’s career or all six Rocky films – we can’t get enough of them. -
Ready-to-use Discussion: Syria
We recommend reading ‘Youth work in a war zone’ on p.14 before attempting this discussion starter with your young people