To download all of this month’s resources as a PDF, click here.



You will need: wrapped Easter eggs of different sizes; baskets or plastic pots

This is a classic. You can’t have an Easter party without an Easter egg hunt! If you have younger children you could simply hide the eggs around your space (making some obvious and others more difficult to find). Give each child a basket or plastic pot and send them off to find the eggs. Make sure they don’t eat them straight away! Once all the eggs have been found, congratulate those with the most, then redistribute the eggs so that each child gets an equal share to take away.

For older children and young people, create a treasure hunt that leads the group around your space, resulting in treasure at the end. Make up clues that link to various places (or people) in your meeting space. You could split the group into smaller teams and give each one different clues to find their own treasure.



You will need: different kinds of Easter egg chocolate; bowls; blindfolds (optional)

Before the session, get hold of as many Easter eggs or chocolates as you can. Break the chocolate up into different bowls. Pair the chocolate into categories such as ‘Cheap and expensive’, ‘Cadbury or Mars’ or ‘Milk and dark’.

Split your group into two teams. Ask for two volunteers to come up and taste some chocolate, one from each team. Give each volunteer a piece of chocolate from one of your pairings (for example ‘Cheap and expensive’). The two volunteers have to decide which chocolate is the cheap one and which is the more expensive. Give points for correct answers.

Bring two more volunteers up to the front for your next pairing, and so on. If it’s obvious from the look of the chocolate what the answer is you will need to use blindfolds. The team with the most points wins. Enjoy the rest of the chocolate together at the end of the game.



You will need: various Easter props (for example a large Easter egg, bunny ears, a cross or a hot-cross bun)

This game is suitable for older children and young people. Split your group into smaller teams and give each one a selection of Easter props. Challenge the teams to come up with a drama sketch that incorporates all the props they have been given. The sketches could be about Easter, but they don’t have to be. Give them time to create and rehearse their sketches.

Once everyone is finished, invite the teams up to perform them to each other. You could just enjoy the group’s creativity, or you could award points for things like ‘Most ingenious use of a prop’, ‘Worst joke’ or ‘Most tenuous link to Easter’.



You will need: Easter pictures, printed out and stuck onto different coloured pieces of card

Before the session, cut the pictures up into a set number of pieces (have fewer pieces for younger children). Hide all the pieces around your meeting space.

Divide the children or young people into teams and give each team a colour. One by one, the players have to go and find a piece of picture on their colour of card. While one player is off looking, the others should try to put their picture back together again. The team that completes their jigsaw first is the winner.

You could use scenes from the Easter story, photos of your group celebrating Easter in previous years or more general Easter images.



You will need: large, wrapped Easter eggs or rugby balls (real or foam)

Split the children or young people into teams and line up the team members, one behind the other. Give the first player a large, wrapped Easter egg and tell them to hold it between their knees. They should pass the egg down the line using only the knees and without breaking it. The player at the end of the line then runs to the front and starts the race again.

Once all the players have taken their turn at the front, the team has finished, and the first to finish wins. If a team drops or breaks their Easter egg they have to start again (with a new egg if theirs is broken).

If you don’t have the resources for multiple eggs, or you think that using an egg would be too difficult, use rugby balls instead. Foam rugby balls would be ideal for younger children.

Supporting documents

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