Christian parenting in Pride Month. Should you be taking a stand?
Ed Drew2023-06-12T08:44:00
We are in Pride month, when all things LGBTQ are celebrated and taught. Here’s a message we received from a parent:
“We’re wondering what to do about the fact that our four-year-old’s nursery is having a Pride day … talking about different families, saying that everyone is loved, painting rainbows. I’m scratching my head. This is the world we live in. We don’t want to be the grumpy Christians taking our kid out of school, when most of it would just go over his head anyway. Do we send him in, and let the nursery know that it’s been hard for us as Christians to do that, but we want to show that we aren’t hateful people shunning the world? Do we keep him home and say nothing? Do we try to explain it to him? Do we send him in and ask if they will celebrate a cause close to our hearts?”
I expect that this parent is not alone in wanting to be sympathetic to their school’s desire to celebrate diversity, to be compassionate towards those who have been treated poorly and to be clear with their own children on Christian distinctives.
Let’s remember that the school is probably not seeking to wage a culture war. I don’t imagine they intend to isolate this family. They are simply blind to our perspective. They can’t imagine how anyone could be against this. The mantra, “Love is love” is compelling. They want to show care and welcome to those who have felt isolated and hurt in the past. Let’s approach our schools with positivity and love. You are probably not walking into a conflict (but you might be).